The Evolution Of Curves
The Beginning The Curve movement isn’t a new concept; It started back in the 70’s, when Curve models were first starting to be represented by legitimate agencies and culminated in the late 80’s/early 90’s when the first recognized Curve boards were created by Ford and...
Nice to meet you!
For those of you that know me, and those that don’t, I am a model in the plus size industry and an advocate for Body Diversity. I am currently on a mission to find others like me with strong minds and big hearts, interested in bringing about a new beauty revolution....
Welcome to the #CurvyClique! I always think of that Kanye West, Jay-Z song “Ain’t nobody messin’ with my Clique-clique-clique.” A while back I decided to create my Curvy Clique, a community of people that gather together to lift and inspire one another. I’ve been on...
REBELLE BYTES TV: Danielle van Grondelle Lizze Miller’s interview with plus size model Danielle van Grondelle...
RE:BELLE BYTES TV: DENISE BIDOT Lizzie Miller’s interview with plus size model Denise Bidot click below to watch! https://youtu.be/KWplIdxLye0
Healthy Mind + A Healthy Body= A Healthy Life
Okay, I’m a plus size model. Not exactly breaking news right? But I’m amazed at how many people are confused by what that means. Some people think that I’m all about “making friends with fat”, or promoting obesity, or in some other way supporting the idea that being...